Module BIM-Bridge platform beschikbaar in combinatie met BriefBuilder software
BriefBuilder is a web-based tool for requirements management in construction projects. The combined strengths of BIM-Bridge and BriefBuilder make project teams capable to easily and quickly compare and verify data out of BriefBuilder against a BIM-model in IFC.
Take spaces as an example. Using BIM-Bridge, the user is able to compare and verify, among other things, the size of rooms, the minimum height from floor to ceiling and / or the safety zoning. There are more options. This depends entirely on the type of information in the BruifBuilder model and IFC model.
Interested (in a demo) or want to know more about the opportunities? Let us know and feel free to contact us.
See here the BriefBuilder website and their article about BIM-Bridge in combination with BriefBuilder software.

BIM-Bridge’s functionality is elegantly simple: you load an BIM model (in IFC format), and also a BriefBuilder model (in JSON format), and then you’ll get an Excel overview that shows all the matches and clashes.