Practically applicable solutions with a highly innovative character

We specialize in BIM, Open Data standards and managing the associated change. And that for organizations with valuable built assets. We support the entire life cycle of an asset, whether you design, build, manage or maintain, it’s all good for us. We are happy to support your organization with the next digital step. This can be a company-specific OTL, optimizing the asset design process, checking large data sets or harmonizing systems.

Our goal? To make your data a valuable, usable asset for today and the future.

A specific question? Call or mail us

Digital business strategy

Are you convinced of the techniques to be applied or is your organization in the middle of the digital transition? Do you already have a lot of data in systems and databases? The organisation that owns, manages or maintains assets has a long-term scope. This can interfere with the short term performance. Maintenance of assets and investments in digital technology cost money and the returns are in the future. Correct decisions based on correct information lead to a shorter turnaround time, higher quality and lower (failure) costs. But what is the right information to contribute to the long-term goals of your organisation? And what is the business case? The BIM philosophy has the potential to play a key role in the success of the organisation. We know the market, we know what is technically possible and feasible, and are happy to provide tailor-made advice to capture the value of BIM through good data management.

One organisation is at the beginning and is mainly still dealing with documents and re-entry the same data into different systems. The other organisation is already BIM-advanced, and has already invested heavily in BIM and Linked Data for asset management with explicitly recorded knowledge.

In both cases we assess the IT landscape, the working method and the know-how of the organisation, in order to draw up business cases that justify the investment.

While BIM also includes 3D modeling, it is primarily a way for us to make knowledge and expertise of engineering and asset management explicit. This is done by systematically recording the assets which are involved – if possible based on standards. Standards make use of industry agreed upon knowledge and facilitate data exchange with internal and external organisations. This requires a well-designed IT landscape.

A well-organised IT landscape to meet the information need with insight into the leading data structures and the correct functionalities in available software and databases. The focus is on the interoperability between tools, instead of looking for a comprehensive software package. We are software independent, and always looking for the best solution for your organization!

As the complexity of assets, requirements and maintenance options grows, so does the availability of data. How can the organization utilize contemporary technological innovations for new and existing assets? We see it as a strategic choice to develop targeted, flexible and future-proof solutions. To test possible solutions, we keep the DIKW pyramid in mind. Data can, and we believe it should, contribute to wise decisions.

Our wisdom builds on knowledge in engineering, asset management and knowledge of Linked Data and BIM. After clarifying your question and its context, it is a matter of purposefully collecting the right data and translating it into the required information. In doing so, we use the existing systems as much as possible. Making data valuable!

Information needs

The decision for an IT improvement process has been taken. Then it is time to retrieve the information from the processes which are involved. The desired processes with their information needs to be able to make the best decisions are leading. The processes need certain information to make the best decisions. The technology must provide for this; followed by the required data and applications.  

Data should only be recorded if it is necessary for a certain activity. Recording data that does not serve a purpose is only an administrative burden. To ensure that all steps of a particular service can be completed, we work out the processes together with the domain specialists.

The information is then outlined for each step. The level of detail of the activities is related to the scope of the business case.

With the process analysis, the information analysis is already in progress. The processes in relation to activities provide context to the information model. We set up an information model. This information model then forms the basis for further detailing in a data model (see semantic modelling). The information and data model, together with the process overview, represents the basis for the requirements of the information provision. After completing these analyzes, it is time to start exploring the market for solutions.

BIM-Connected has knowledge and expertise in the visual and comprehensible preparation of analyzes. In doing so, we avoid lengthy reports, and we like to use sketches, information flows, process diagrams and to-the-point presentations.

Linked Data / Knowledge graphs

We are in a time where implicit knowledge is transforming into explicit knowledge. Explicit means that the knowledge is objectified: connected with objects, which are connected with each other. In this way not only people but also computers can associate, can interpret the information. How? The semantic model makes it possible. Semantics is the study of the meaning of words. The model is the simplified representation of a piece of reality. Whereas in the past the computer worked in a more table-oriented manner, young and proven techniques make it possible to work object-oriented. Supporting techniques can then unlock very pleasant possibilities for information exchange . In the Dutch energy, construction and infrastructure industry, collaboration and exchange information between organisations is developed through semantic models. BIM-Connected supports organisations in using the opportunities of this technology in the exchange, as well as for internal decision-making and optimization of processes.

The Dutch construction and infrastructure industry sets itself the goal of building a digital system to realize efficient and effective data collection, exchange and sharing between partners and clients. This common goal has resulted in a Dutch Technical Agreement, known as NTA 8035 – Semantic data modelling in the built environment. Together with the ISO ICDD (international standard) this NTA provides a basis for an unambiguous framework of semantic W3C languages (see Linked Data) in future-proof modelling.

BIM-Connected has knowledge and expertise in the implementation of these standards. We are happy to tell you more about the benefits of working according to national and international standards and are happy to help you to take the innovative path to future-proof and effective data use.

Linked data is a digital method for publishing structured data. This method is based on RDF, a technology / standard from W3C. W3C is the “The World Wide Web Consortium” that works on international standards for the World Wide Web. RDF is used as a (software independent) format to present and exchange data in general.

BIM-Connected has extensive knowledge of all Linked Data and W3C technologies. In addition to RDF, we are familiar with OWL, SHACL, SKOS and SPARQL.

An OTL is the basis for streamlining data between different systems, projects and organisations. This is done by establishing a data structure of object types, based on the information need of the common process or organisation. This data structure is set up and recorded with Linked Data and serves as a digital library. An OTL contributes to speaking one language within the organisation, between organisations and within the industry. In addition, it helps with one-time recording and multiple use of data.

BIM-Connected is intensively involved in the development and implementation of an OTL at Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Road Authority), Municipality of Amsterdam, TenneT and Qirion.


BIM, Systems Engineering, Linked Data, Knowledge Graphs, standards, SPARQL or OTL: these concepts may seem very familiar to you, but to implement them smartly, you might need help with that. BIM-Connected is ready to improve engineering and asset management performance with smart IT solutions. Whether the organization is at the beginning of the digital transition, or is already well advanced. Whether it mainly affects the basic organization or the support of projects. We don't care. We make the connection with your existing situation.

Non-transparent IT projects with a long lead time are not desirable for most organisations and have to deal with great resistance. One of the advantages of agile working is the frequent and close coordination with the needs of the end users. We see a correct minimum viable product as an art that effectively shows its strength and possibilities. Provided that it is done well, of course! With a clear roadmap and the short cyclical delivery of functionality, we create support, trust and cooperation from all stakeholders within the organisation. Where necessary, we train people to get started themselves after implementation.

BIM-Connected is specialized in Linked Data for challenging questions related to asset management. Whether your organisation is already familiar with this technology or not, we are happy to bridge the gap between the reality of your organisation with existing asset management systems and the Linked Data technology. For example, you are entering a transformative process in which not only data is structured, transferred and future-proof, but in which it becomes clear at a given moment that a lot of knowledge and wisdom can be gained out of your data.

Data in control

"Garbage in, garbage out". The data structures can be so brilliant and well-implemented, but if the data is not entered correctly, there is still no usable set of data which leads to valuable information. In order to check data sets and quickly gain insight into gaps, BIM-Connected helps set up automated solutions. Making data valuable!

Organisations have multiple information systems for different kind of processes. The same information is often stored in more than one system. An (internal) standard, possibly an organisation-specific OTL, helps to set up links to push the right information to the right system. The processes of asset design, asset realisation and maintenance have partly overlapping information needs. They are often also carried out by different organisations. We recommend the use of standards to limit conversion work and reduce your costs! But we also see that organisations are dealing with a transition phase, so we serve them with a solid (intermediate) solution.

Within the energy, infrastructure and construction industry, BIM standards have been formulated to which a data set has to comply. The BIM basis ILS (Dutch), BIM basis infra (Dutch), OTL of Rijkswaterstaat or the IMBOR (OTL for provinces). And of course there is also room for your own BIM requirements. By checking data to these kind of standards automatically, the specialist can quickly check his/her data set and the receiving company (client) is also able to check the submitted data set in an automated way.

We are happy to discuss the possibilities! With the BIM-Bridge, BIM-Connected has an web-based solution for automatic checking of Linked Data (RDF(S), OWL and  SHACL) and IFC data sets.

Well-organised data offers possibilities for automatic analysis. We have made preparations for analyses for the NEN 2880, CO2 footprint, the materials passport and the NEN2057: 2011. If you would like other extensive analyses, please contact us!


BIM-Connected is happy to help you fulfill interim roles. We have experience in fulfilling the following roles within organizations and projects:

  • Information modeller

  • Linked Data specialist

  • (Linked) Data architect

  • BIM consultant

  • Information and process manager

  • Product owner

  • IFC specialist

  • Consultant (model-based) Systems Engineering

Our clients

Logo Rijkswaterstaat Logo Gemeente Amsterdam Logo Arcadis Logo Qirion

Our partners

Royal Haskoning DHV